Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Lake in June

The day started out with a cast of gray, but I didn't mind. Here at Ptarmigan Lake, the fullness of Mountains held it like two giant hands. The four miles to the back of the lake traveled around cliffs, over the rolling shapes of hills, alongside rocky south slopes, where snow slides had hurled down their loads from a mile above. But now a cool breeze and humid heat interplayed as the day advanced. The sun rolled through the thick layers of cloud, and by afternoon danced in a million points on the lake. And here in the shady coves, on the edges between the water and woods, the small enclaves of flowers stood, so colorful against the gray clouds that mixed with the swirling waves that rolled up upon the shore. The purples of Lupine, reds of Columbine, and greens of Cow Parsnip made this place a garden by the lake. The beauty was an outpouring in June,when the light was near maximum in length. And in other small coves and even on the cliffs, the colors appeared, and only I alone was here to share this moment by that distant shore.

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